Saturday, September 25, 2010

A box full of travel guides...

So I went to see Eat, Pray, Love the movie a few weeks ago.  It is based off of one of my favorite books ever by Liz Gilbert.  When Sara and I were in Italy we went to the gelato place where Liz gets gelato in Rome.  I remember I had lemon and it was the best lemon gelato ever.  We also tried to go to Saint Michelle three times!  It is the pizza place where Liz goes while she is in Naples.  Long story but we never did get to eat there.  Now I have to go back to Naples again.  Anyways, Liz's friend keeps a box under her bed filled with baby clothes for that one special day when she finally has a baby.  Liz tells her that she has that same box under her bed only it is filled with travel books.  I am Liz, I have a box filled with travel books.  Well it is not really a box I keep under my bed.  More of a complete book shelf filled with travel guides and magazine articles and print outs of places I want to go in the world.  I don't have any box filled with baby stuff or anything of the sort.  Does this mean I don't want kids?  It has been something I have been thinking about lately.  I mean, I wouldn't mind having one child maybe two (maybe a Chinese baby) but I am not DYING to have kids like most girls my age.  I don't feel some biological clock ticking like everyone else does.  I feel like I am not ready yet.  I feel like I need a few more years.  I am not ready to give up MY life just yet.  Does this mean I am selfish?  I feel like I still have so much more to accomplish before I have kids.  Lord knows my career isn't where I planned on it being by the time I had a child.  And there are still so many places I want to travel to before I have kids.  It crushed me to have to cancel our honeymoon to Bora Bora this summer b/c I honestly felt like that was my only chance that I would ever get to go there.  Let's be honest, how many young couples with kids just go jaunting off to Bora Bora?  And Mills and I haven't even been to Europe together.  I want to take him to Scotland, England and Ireland in the next year or two.  And I haven't been to Egypt yet!  I want to go to Egypt so bad.  I am just so afraid of having kids and then never getting to travel again.  It is like my worst fear.  How am I going to be 31 tomorrow?  Where has the time gone?  How have the past 10 years just flown by?  Can I be like the women in Hollywood and wait until I am 40 to have a baby?  Is that acceptable anywhere besides Hollywood?  I doubt it.  But I just know that there will always be a list of list of places I am dying to go...even when I am 40 and 50 and 60.  So I guess there is no "right time"  to have kids.  I don't know but I still don't feel like I am ready yet.  So I guess I will wait a while longer. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Crazy week!

So I had a crazy encounter with a wasp on Tuesday evening.  I went out to get the mail and got stung my a giant pterodactyl sized wasp.  I thought someone shot me in the arm it stung so bad.  I screamed and swiped it off with a magazine and ran in the house.  Within about 3 minutes my whole body felt like it was on fire and every inch of of my skin was itching like crazy!  I called Mills and he rushed home.  What seemed like 3 hours was only about 25 minutes.  By the time Mills got home my ears had completely swollen shut (weird I know but literally my ears closed up and I couldn't hear anything) and my eyes were almost completely swollen shut.  Not to mention I looked like a freak show!  We rushed to urgent care where the lady behind the desk immediately rushed me to the back where they started giving me a bunch of shots.  They didn't even make me fill out any paperwork first....I must have looked bad.  Almost instantly all the swelling and discomfort started going away.  The doctor then told me I am deathly allergic to wasps and bees and need to get to an allergist as soon as possible.  Oh and I now have to carry an EpiPen around with me everywhere I go in case I get stung again b/c apparently every time you get stung it is worse that the last time.  GREAT!  How am I 30 years old and just now finding this out?

Oh then Wednesday evening I was in our back yard with Penny and the neighbor came out to talk to me.  I told her about my wasp encounter and then asked her if she had been seeing a possum around lately b/c I keep seeing this possum in our back yard and then is crawls through a hole in our fence and then runs underneath their house.  Anyways, when I asked her this question she said "Oh yeah, we have a pet possum that lives underneath our house.  We named it Sandy!"  WHAT!?!?  Who lets some sick ass possum just live under their house.  Then she proceeded to tell me they like the possum b/c it comes out at night and eats their dogs poop so they don't have to clean it up.  SSSSIIIICCCCKKK!

Then last night a purple and orange lizard hopped in the door right behind Mills.  We ended up having to move the China cabinet and just about every other thing in our dining room trying to catch that damn lizard.  Mills finally captured it in a tupperware container but he accidentally tore off the tail in the lid of the container.  Ok folks, I am not even kidding...the tail proceeded to move around squished in the lid for about 5 minutes.  Mills and I both danced around the room freaking out at the possessed freaky lizard tail that wouldn't stop squirming around.  It reminded me of how they said when you cut a chicken's head off, the body will still run around for a few minutes.

I feel like every night there is some weird animal, reptile or insect sighting around this joint.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back from the beach!

It has been a little while since I last wrote.  Lots of exciting things have been going on!  We left last Saturday morning for North Carolina and got back on Wednesday night.  We were there for Mills' friend from High School Ben Chandler and his lovely fiance, Kara Nunn's, wedding.  It was 5 days of awesomeness!  We flew into Myrtle Beach and drove about 30 miles north to Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina.  We shared a condo with Ryan's brother, John, and his wife, Betsy.  Basically we laid around on the beach for days on end.  It was glorious!  I LOVE the beach!  Even though when you get home everything you own is covered in sand it is still great.  I just love that absolute tranquility that comes with laying on a beach.  I usually have my I-pod, a few new magazines, and a cool drink.  What more could you ask for?  Just laying there soaking up the rays with not a care in the world.  I can't think of many other things as carefree and relaxing as laying on a beach.  And who knew that North Carolina has some of the best beaches in the US.  Forget about Florida, go to NC!  Last year we were in Ocracoke, North Carolina, which has made in onto the Top Ten Beaches in the US and also Top 100 Beaches in the World lists.  And then this year we go to Ocean Isle Beach, which has equally white, smooth and silky sand scattered with lots of beautiful shells.  I mean...pure heaven.  And it was HOT!  I mean really hot!  I am SUPER tan right now, which I am loving b/c it is middle of September.  Plus it was great fun to be in the presence of family and good friends.  We also got to meet all of Ben and Kara's family, which was nice.  Smaller, more intimate destination weddings are so personal and you really get a chance to know everyone who is most important in the bride and groom's lives.  Everybody left on Monday night except for me, Ryan, Ben and Kara.  Ryan and I had to check out of our Condo so Ben and Kara were so gracious to offer us a room in their "mansion".  And I mean MANSION!  It was 4500 sq. ft., 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, right on the beach and listed at 2.5 mil.  It was seriously like a house on Cribs...quite possibly the nicest place I will ever stay in my whole life.  Anyways the 4 of us hung out Tuesday night and polished off a half gallon of whiskey and a few brewskies.  Then Wednesday it was time to nurse our hangovers and head back to Louisiana.  We got home late Wednesday night after the WORST flight I have ever taken in my life.  Don't really care to go into the whole story but it involved sitting on a sweltering hot plane smelling two disgusting uncleaned toilets for over an hour and a half before take-off.  Needless to say that was the first and last time I will ever fly Delta.

Then this weekend was fun as well.  Got to spend more quality time with my Millsy.  It has been weird living in a city with zero friends besides each other.  We do things that we never would have done back in Indiana b/c we would have been too busy hanging out with our friends.  Yesterday we went to the bank (which was one of the worst experiences, why do the most simple things suck down here so bad), went to this coffee shop we have been wanting to try, went to Tuesday morning, went to two different greenhouse/ pet supply stores to look for a house plant, went to eat at Blue Tomato (this glorious dive bar/restaurant with yummy Mexican food), went antique shopping and went to Triange West (the bar down the street from out house).  The bar was filled with usual patrons (old men mostly).  During the day it is much more of an older crowd than it is at night where it is mostly 20 somethings bumping and grinding and singing karaoke.  We were there for a couple hours knocking back some cold ones and watching college football.  Every time someone new would walk in the whole bar would yell "HHHHEEEYYYYY!"  It kind of felt like Cheers or something.  Fun filled day for sure.

Today we went grocery shopping and the store had the cinnamon scented brooms and pumpkins and gourds all over the place and it was 93 degrees when we were driving home.  It feels weirdly not like Fall is approaching at all.  I don't think there is a Fall down here.  I hate that b/c I LOVE Fall!  It is my favorite season.  I am jealous b/c I keep seeing everyone post stuff on Facebook about how it is cooling down and feeling like Fall up north.  Some local the other day told me that the seasons down here are HOT and HOTTER.  Grrreeaaattt.

Ok, I need to go to bed.  I am exhausted.  Will write more later.  I feel like I had other interesting things to write about but I can't remember right now b/c I am too tired.  Ciao!